The Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar (ICBAS) is a multidisciplinary organic unit at the University of Porto (UP), with scientific fields in the scope of Fundamental and Applied Biology, namely in the areas of Human and Animal Health, Environment, Animal Production, Transformation, Processing, Quality and Food Safety, with the underlying concept of “One Health”. ICBAS leads work package 2, which aims to the use of microalgae in feed, while also being involved in all activities, namely the nutritional and functional evaluation of different species of microalgae, the study, in a controlled environment, of the immune response of piglets in the post-weaning phase and in the inflammatory state of pigs in the finishing phase, after being fed diets with microalgae inclusion, as well as, in a productive environment, the use of microalgae in diets for pigs in the growing and finishing phases.
